Founder of Kyokushin Karate, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama studied Kempo in his
childhood, later he knocked at the door of Sensei Gichin Funakoshi, the
founder of Shotokan Karate. After that he practiced Goju Ryu Karate,
and he made a profound study of other styles. In 1963 he established the
International Karate-Do Kyokushin Organization Shogakai
that he devoted his life to only Karate, he introduced it to 124
different countries in the world, resulting in over 1200 official dojo.
Including the unofficial dojo, the members would total about 12.000.000.
He splendidly succeeded spreading Kyokushin as a single style over the
whole world.
the national level of Japan too, he arranged for it that each and every
prefecture has its Branch, so that in the Karate World there have
become some representatives of this style.
But unfortunately on April 26, 1994, the Founder of Kyokushin Karate, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, passed away for lungcancer.
that, because of the opposition between Japanese Branch Chiefs, it came
to a split in the Japanese Organzation and consequently also in the
International Organization.
think that every Branch Chief has to reflect deeply about this serious
infraction caused against all people who are related to Kyokushin, dojo
members, persons supporting Kyokushin and all persons who are connected
with Karate.
the split each group claimed over and again that only his own group is
the real Kyokushin. The real situation is that lately society is
witnessing only the arguments of the groups and the mass media too is
distinguishing between the respective Kyokushin-groups.
The same problem also arises on the local level.
the Kyokushin mark has become a big problem, just because of the mark
the groups are arguing even more that such and so group is the only
right one.
the very beginning onwards, there are some Shihans who do not belong to
any faction, according to them in order to bring people together it is
no good to continue these arguments, they claim it is necessary to find
the right junction. The Shihans who approve of this idea are coming
together with a nonpartisan grounding, starting up the Union.
Karate Union as a substance is formed out of various Kyokushin
Organizations, various Kyokushin dojo, that are all independant and
Kyokushinkaikan there is no partiality made between the factions that
might have different principles, doctrines, advocacies or opinions.
As a nonpartisan, an objective organization, the Union will spread the Japanese Karate-Do and develop it.
Karate Union's aim is to spread and develop Kyokushin Karate in the
right way, as it was inherited from the Founder Masutatsu Oyama,
therefore study it and verify it. Also contribute to society by building
up people's character through training Kyokushin Karate.
Union is to transmit Sosai Masutatsu Oyama's magnificent Kyokushin
Karate, having a broad mind to recognize each others' activities, but
each Kyokushin Organization agreeing upon the pursuit of unified
tournaments and unified promotion tests.
If we cannot come to such a move, society will always associate Kyokushin with arguments and misgivings.
we would seize now the possibility of uniting the Branch Chiefs, that
were already Branch Chiefs under Sosai, then we could sweep away all the
uncertainties and confusion. Wishing to do away with the doubt which
way to turn, we have started up the All Japan Kyokushin Union.
is more, we firmly believe that overseas countries, overseas Branches
also can be settled in the All Japan Kyokushin Union, with the aim of
finding a way to continue unifying Kyokushin all over the world.
info does not only result from our understanding, but it is also thanks
to guidance, assistance and encouragement from many others that it can
be provided herewith.
- Shigeru Tabata (Yamagata Prefecture)
- Jun Miwa (Tokyo)
- Shigenori Sakamoto (Tokyo)
- Daigo Oishi (Shizuoka Pref. and Yamanashi Pref.)
- Toshikazu Setto (Kanagawa Pref.)
- Yasuo Takahashi (Fukui Pref.)
- Yukio Okada (Osaka)
- Kazuyuki Hasegawa (Aichi Pref. and Tokushima Pref.)
- Yasuhiro Kuwajima (Kagawa Pref.)
- Yasuhiro Shichinohe (Okinawa Pref.
Director List